Ayurveda, the science of life, is the natural healing system which was in practice before 4000 BC in India and is still very common.
Ayurveda stresses the importance of living a balanced life. It emphasizes on
Medicine is given a secondary place next to these 2 pillars of health. Eating right and following a lifestyle as per one’s body type / body constitution/ genetic make-up / ”Prakriti” or nature, is the key to a healthy life.
It is because of our hectic modern lifestyle, our ‘new age’ diet and related environmental factors that various health issues like fatigue, overweight, obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, hypothyroid, high blood pressure, etc , creeps in early in our body. Early detection and prevention is the key to managing good health.
This can be achieved by going through the detailed medical history, analysing one’s body constitution and blood tests. With a customised approach to nutrition and a healthy lifestyleits possible to slow the biological clock, experience renewed health & vitality and also protect one’s body from age related degenerative diseases.
According to Ayurveda, right preparation of food, right combination of food, right amount of food, right frequency of food , right place for food and the right mental state while eating the food is necessary for the food to give the best result to the body.
Ayurveda also preaches rightful breathing to bring balance, harmony and purification of the mind- body combo, thereby reducing the stress levels.