Famous American Comedian Steven Wright once said, “Everywhere is walking distance, if you have the time”…So very true, isn’t it!!! Walking like running, swimming and hiking or for that matter even dancing is considered one amongst the different types of aerobic activity.
Over the years, working with my clients for a healthy and fit body, I have seen most of them are obsessed with just moving the weight numbers .While its fine to do that to some extent but one must understand that high levels of exercise to burn fat also tends to boost muscle gain and obviously the weight number doesn’t move as much as one desires.
Athletes and sports enthusiasts, who are training for fitness, expend more energy than the average person, so their bodies need additional nutrients to recover from the intense physical activity.
The Amalaki plant, as it is called in Sanskrit, is called Indian Gooseberry in English, Amla in Hindi and Emblica Officinalis , Phyllanthus Emblica or Terminalia Emblica in Latin.
Fibers are polysaccharide (complex Carbohydrates), that cannot be digested and thus ,do not provide energy. They play an important role in the diets as the main contributor to dietary fiber (roughage).
Ayurveda has well researched recommendations for the maintenance and improvement of general health. Nutrition happens to be an important part of the Ayurvedic approach.